Write About It

Your unique words and life experiences transport thoughts from your head to your voice to hand off to others

stories come alive through words
Image from Timisu on Pixabay

Your unique words and life experiences transport thoughts from your head to your voice to hand off to others

You have specific categories of what you read and write about. So do I. When I was told that our relatives came from the same town that Robinson Crusoe sailed from, I wanted to read more about that. The words jump off the page when I am interested in a topic.

Words, stories, Christianity, health are some of my interests. Rather than reading for the sake of reading, I am more engaged, more alert, more aware. These are some of the categories that I write about.


Chosen for a Purpose: Many are called but few are chosen

Responding to the call makes all the difference.

Journal SOAP Daily Devotions: Jesus wants to meet with you in your quiet time

Writing down your communication with God in your quiet time clarifies Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer (SOAP) to perceive and apply the Word of God daily. Journaling, however short or long, tracks your life in ways that reflect who you are and how you are growing to become the person that God created you to be.

Teach Us How to Pray: Reality without relationship is meaningless

Like Dr. Seuss’s Horton the Elephant, “I meant what I said and I said what I meant, an elephant faithful, 100%.”

It Wasn’t Supposed to Be This Way: How to cope with loss and grief and disappointment

Accepting reality opens doors to peace of mind.

3 Factors That Determine How Happy You Can Be Anytime : How to identify what you can control and what to let go

Knowing what you can change and what you cannot change makes a difference in setting priorities.

Expectations Set for Success with Aligned Anticipation: Encode the words to decode the message one word at a time

Communication is both an art and a science. Talking and actively listening means caring for people. God wants you to hear clear direction.

5 Ways to Find Out Why You Do What You Do: Do you know where you’re going to?

Following lies leads to lost opportunities and disappointment. Who is your tour guide? Being led by the Greatest Tour Guide of all — Jesus Christ — means that you have a custom-designed life. Instead of trying to figure it out yourself, you can rest in His leadership, moment-by-moment. Who am I? Where do I go? What do I do next? He has the answers. Just ask.

What Matters Most: Inside out heart issues your identity crisis

Know who you are in Christ by knowing who He created you to be.


Your Words Matter: Words reflect thoughts that reflect motives

I like words. Word origins. Word definitions. That’s the place to start communicating. I like to write. I became an English teacher. I like grammar. I like diagramming sentences. I enjoy editing and proofreading.

About Me — Bev Garcia: Grammarlady

When I saw this Google Doodle, I wrote about my history.

Japan Connections over 55 Years in English: A Japanese exchange student changed our lives forever despite the language barrier

Learning a new language is both challenging and fun.


SEO MissingButtn Opportunities — Button, Button, Who’s Got the Button? SEO opportunities lost and found before you publish

See the way that weaves the web of words.

Pompadours and Bobby Pins: Hairstyles and identity in the 1940s and 50s

Some of the cultural nuances in the past century reflect my childhood memories.


Sweat — It Does a Body Good: Exercise healthy perceptions

Good health is a gift. The human body functions in ways that cause us to live productively.

Now it’s your turn

Your unique words and life experiences transport thoughts from your head to your voice to hand off to others. Write about it to convey who you really are. See what others write. Hear what others say. Get to know each other.

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