Query the Quadrants to Determine Direction

Where is the United States of America headed?

Where Justice and Mercy Meet for Healthy Growth by Bev Garcia
Where Justice and Mercy Meet for Healthy Growth by Bev Garcia

Trendlines for the USA indicate that this country is headed for destruction. Any nation, your nation, is made up of individual people who determine the outcome. The independent spirit and vitality of the United States of America that was evident in the founding nearly 250 years ago may not last for 2 more years.

Define the signs. Within each quadrant, identify the characteristics and track the steps that change the trajectory into the next quadrant.

  • I (+,+) is the best; up and to the right.
  • II (-,+) is too loose; cross over and to the left.
  • III (-,-) is the worst; down and to the left.
  • IV (+,-) is too strict; down and to the right.

Trace the path of other nations from the past. How did Greece rise? How did Iraq rise? How did Russia rise? What led to the change in leadership described in Animal Farm by George Orwell? How did Rome rise? Why did Rome fall? What led to the Dark Ages? Where are they now? What quadrant represents that area today? What restraints are necessary to continue to function in a free society?

Beware! “Nature abhors a vacuum.” — Aristotle

Be aware. “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” — Newton

Why is this pattern so evident in the rise and fall of nations throughout history? What is causing the collapse? Cycles of history over centuries give an indication of where a nation is.

Tytler Cycle of History
Tytler Cycle of History by J4lambert

Authentic Christians are known by their behavior because "belief belies behavior." In other words, God sees the heart. By being "salt and light" to a nation, God preserves freedom and reveals truth.

Yet, when the road to destruction comes, all religious performance by formality and religous pretending by hypocrisy inevitably corrupt vital foundations. Christians "in name only" create deception.

When Formalist and Hypocrisy "tumbled over the wall" to talk with Christian in Pilgrim's Progress, their lack of integrity is obvious since they did not enter through the gate of repentance. Repentance means turning away from our human default nature to turn towards the Savior Jesus Christ who rescues us from ourselves. Surrendering to His leading, His way is the only way.

"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." - John 14:6

Pray for our leaders.

Freedom connotes responsibility. So, when you look at trendlines and trajectories, what is your prediction for the future?

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