Love Your Enemies by Valuing People Right and left extremes are more alike than different with love in the center
4 Easy Ways to Map Your Direction When You Lose Your Way Be alert and ask to become aware of what is ahead
Easy Ways to Learn American English Idioms Slang and sayings are difficult to learn in a second language
Gamification — What’s That — Who Needs It and Why How to increase motivation and captivate attention at school and at work
Featured Write About It Your unique words and life experiences transport thoughts from your head to your voice to hand off to others
SEO MissingButtn Opportunities - Button, Button, Who’s Got the Button? SEO opportunities lost and found before you publish
3 Factors That Determine How Happy You Can Be Anytime How to identify what you can control and what to let go
Expectations Set for Success with Aligned Anticipation Encode the words to decode the message one word at a time
Japan Connections over 55 Years in English A Japanese exchange student changed our lives forever despite the language barrier