Let it Go
The good, the bad, and the ugly

“Let it go” means I am not in control
The illusion of control creates problems. Letting go of your own way creates a path for growth. That is wise, healthy, and fruitful for spiritual, mental, emotional and relational integrity. You submit to the One who created you.
If you call yourself a Christian who follows Jesus Christ by surrendering to let go of your own plan, you are controlled by God’s Holy Spirit. If you are not, you are controlled by Satan’s plan for your life to manufacture human good and/or evil.
The good, the bad, and the ugly
Another way to state that is in the Bible. In Proverbs, the wise, the fool, and the evil are described.
You may think that good is good and bad is bad. However, in the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve failed to trust that God knew best. God told them to obey and not eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. They didn’t need to. They had all they needed and could ever desire in a perfect environment. God had given them a choice. Yet, Satan tempted and won by deception, offering what they perceived — to be like God, knowing good and evil — was for their good. Instead of obeying, they suffered the consequences.
What that looks like today
Of all the ways to explain in modern-day terms, there seems to be no better way than how Dr. Henry Cloud characterizes the wise, the fool, and the evil person by giving clear examples of each. Now over a billion people have watched this one YouTube video!
Wise people listen
When you hear from others what you need to change, you are wise to listen and adjust. You may have blind spots. You are teachable. Your conform to Christlike standards that benefit you and others.
Foolish people keep on going
When something comes up, fools keep on going their own way and end up in circumstances that often are not beneficial to themselves or others.
Evil people seek destruction
Like the wiles of the devil who “prowls around seeking whom he may destroy” in 1 Peter 5:8, evil people tend to be bent on hurting others.
Each of us has the propensity to be wise, foolish, or evil. By clarifying how to let go of control, you can become the person that God created you to be. At the same time, you will avoid being foolish or evil and be a blessing to yourself and others around you.