Killers of the Flower Moon

Why people kill each other: God, gold, ground, greed

Killers of the Flower Moon
Photo by Kotagauni Srinivas on Unsplash

Pride. Me first. Got to have it. Love of money. People kill each other because of God, ground, gold, and greed. Just the basics. What else?

I saw the movie Killers of the Flower Moon today. I had not planned to see it until it was recommended by women on a YouTube interview. I highly recommend it to understand more about information war. Beware of deceptive tactics. You can learn from real-life tragedies others have experienced. They can become your “divine mentors” so that you can aim to avoid similar consequences. Trust your gut.

Killers of the Flower Moon is a true story, historically accurate portrayal of what really happened to people. It was first a non-fiction book written by David Grann. Over 10 years of research resulted in his 2017 book that became a movie, premiering this October 2023. Few may be acquainted with the history of the Osage Indian murders and the birth of the FBI.

In the early Twentieth Century, a series of killings and injustices were inflicted on the Osage Native Americans. Manipulation, lies, and greed intertwined with laws governing oil resources on their reservation. During years of their “Reign of Terror,” more than 30 were murdered for their oil wealth. The book and movie derives its name from the fact that during May there, blooming flowers die. Taller vegetations crowd them out. Murders began in that month. This is the time of the flower-killing moon.

The Osage had become some of the wealthiest people per capita in the world due to the oil discoveries on their reservation. However, this wealth made them targets for individuals seeking to exploit their resources. Greedy outsiders, including white settlers and corporations, married into Osage families to gain access to their oil royalties. They conspired to deceive, manipulate, and ultimately kill Osage individuals to inherit their wealth. The perpetrators often used poison, shootings, and explosions to carry out these crimes.

Killers of the Flower Moon | Final Trailer (2023 Movie)

Molly is the heroine. She is intuitive and discerning. The widespread corruption and lack of justice prompted the federal government to step in. In response, the Osage Nation’s wealth was placed under the guardianship of the federal government to protect their interests. This marked a significant turning point, as it led to the unraveling of the conspiracy.

The Osage Indian murders serve as a chilling example of how systemic racism, greed, and the exploitation of indigenous peoples’ resources led to a horrific period of violence and injustice. It also underscores the need for greater awareness of historical atrocities committed against Native American communities and the ongoing efforts to seek justice and reparations for these injustices.

What are the takeaways?

  1. Historical Injustice: This information reveals a dark and often overlooked period in American history, uncovering the systematic murder of Osage Indians in the 1920s and 1930s. This injustice stemmed from greed, racism, and the exploitation of oil wealth on Osage land.
  2. Indigenous Resilience: Despite facing extreme prejudice and violence, the Osage people demonstrated remarkable resilience and strength in their quest for justice. They worked to bring the perpetrators to account and protect their rights.
  3. Law Enforcement Evolution: The story of the Osage murders coincides with the early years of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). J. Edgar Hoover’s leadership in the FBI played a pivotal role in investigating and solving the cases, marking a significant chapter in the agency’s history.
  4. Corruption and Betrayal: Killers of the Flower Moon highlights the deep-seated corruption and betrayal that pervaded the Osage investigations, with individuals in positions of trust, including doctors, law enforcement, and even family members, participating in the murders or coverups.
  5. The Power of Investigative Journalism: David Grann’s research and investigative journalism uncovered this forgotten history, emphasizing the importance of rigorous reporting in uncovering hidden truths and seeking justice. He calls himself a geek for research and all the publicity about the movie was uncomfortable.
  6. Ongoing Injustices: There are ongoing challenges and injustices faced by indigenous communities in the United States, particularly in the realm of resource exploitation, land rights, and protection of their heritage. These challenges and injustices are still occurring worldwide. What the book and movie highlight is the need to increase awareness and accountability.
  7. The Quest for Accountability: Seeking accountability for past injustices and the need for reparations and reconciliation is essential not only in the USA but in the world, especially now.

Are there other g words?

Is war usually fought because of greed, God, gold, and ground?

War is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon, and its causes can vary widely. The idea that wars are often driven by factors like “greed, God, gold, and ground” is a simplified way of summarizing some common motivations for conflicts, but it doesn’t cover all the possible causes of war. Here are a few additional factors that can lead to war:

  1. Grievances: Historical grievances, such as past conflicts or perceived injustices, can contribute to the outbreak of wars.
  2. Governance: Political factors, such as authoritarian regimes, political instability, or disputes over governance, can be causes of war.
  3. Geopolitics: The strategic positioning of countries and competition for resources, influence, or territory can lead to conflicts.
  4. Global Interests: The interests of external powers, such as superpowers seeking to protect their allies or resources, can play a role in instigating wars.
  5. Groups and Identity: Conflicts can arise from ethnic, religious, or cultural divisions, as well as the desire for self-determination by specific groups.
  6. Grudges: Personal animosities between leaders or groups can contribute to the outbreak of war.
  7. Gaps in Power: Disparities in military or economic power between nations can sometimes lead to wars when weaker states feel threatened.

Understanding the roots of conflicts is a complex endeavor, multifaceted, and many wars result from a convergence of different motivations and circumstances.

Because of twisted and distorted perceptions of God, misplaced priorities to get more and more and more, greedy people kill other people since they love money more than life itself. No respect for God means no respect for people, property, and possessions.

People believe lies. Then they tell lies. Others believe their lies and go to war. Deception and death reign without respect for human life.