How Is Truth Related to Trust?

Define the truth compared to a lie

Smart Trust Matrix
Image from Covey by Perlego

Truth is aligned with reality. Lies deny reality with the intent to deceive. How can anyone tell the difference? Gullible?

Always consider the source

First, identify the source of the information. Suspicious? Do you trust who speaks the truth? People tend to trust news sources they blindly follow.

I don’t have all the facts

The problem is that you are not omniscient. You do not know all the facts. Therefore, you cannot judge. You trust other reputable sources instead of fake news spewed by convicted criminals who are intent on seducing gullible people.

Even the elect are deceived

Following leaders, whose pattern of behavior is deceptive to misrepresent truth, results in delusion. How did we get here? Some violent leaders have used and abused Christians. History proves it.