How Emotionally Healthy Are You?

You matter because you are not alone so don’t give up

You matter
Photo by Dan Meyers on Unsplash

Learning to love others well is part of Emotionally Healthy Relationships. This is a way to put off the old habits and put on new ones.

The Community Temperature Reading provides a 5-part framework that will transform your conversations.
DOWNLOAD the Community Temperature Reading free.
The truth is — these relationships skills are so important that we filmed an entire training series to help you and your leaders embody these skills on a whole new level.
From brokenness to wholeness
Image from EHS

There is hope. To develop new words for healthy conversations and relationships, practice using these phrases to express 1) appreciation; 2) puzzling behaviors; 3) complaints with positive outcomes; 4) new information; and listing 5) hopes and wishes. Watch and listen to those being explained back and forth with an illustrated conversation between Pete and Geri Scazzero.

Eight Emotionally Healthy Skills

  1. The Community Temperature Reading (CTR)
  2. Stop Mind Reading and Clarify Expectations
  3. Genogram Your Family
  4. Explore the Iceberg
  5. Listen Incarnationally (or Incarnational Listening)
  6. Climb the Ladder of Integrity
  7. Fight Cleanly (or Clean Fighting)
  8. Develop a “Rule of Life” to Implement Emotionally Healthy Skills