English Language Learning Models

Using ChatGPT to learn English words

A and E
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

The letters e and a appear together in many words. How can you use ChatGPT to do research for you that saves time? How does that help you learn English? Creating space and time to think on these words is what gives me joy! I love words.

What caught my eye today was the verse on the calendar for this new month.

“Trust in the LORD with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5

See all the ea words? “How many more are there?” I wondered. I already had collected my own list in the last month, written down by hand, reveling in the patterns of the English language. Now there is something about that combination I enjoyed. How is each word the same? How are they each pronounced — the same or different? How did these words come to be? I launched my research with ChatGPT.

So I asked ChatGPT. “What are 50 words with ea?”

Certainly! Here are 50 words that contain the letter combination “ea”:
1. Beach
2. Dream
3. Teach
4. Feast
5. Peanut
6. Gear
7. Clean
8. Year
9. Bread
10. Heart
11. Leaf
12. Team
13. Steam
14. Fear
15. Great
16. Peach
17. Idea
18. Eager
19. Speak
20. Least
21. Sweat
22. Near
23. Peace
24. Weather
25. Steamboat
26. Treasure
27. Breakfast
28. Measure
29. Elephant
30. Feather
31. Theater
32. Health
33. Reason
34. Please
35. Feathered
36. Dreamy
37. Seahorse
38. Release
39. Theater
40. Reap
41. Easel
42. Steady
43. Canvas
44. Rear
45. Cheat
46. Beat
47. Feature
48. Featherweight
49. Research
50. Deadbolt

I asked, “List 50 more.”

Of course! Here are 50 more words that contain the letter combination “ea”:
1. Repeat
2. Reasonable
3. Affordable
4. Challenge
5. Measure
6. Feature
7. Ideal
8. Treaty
9. Yearly
10. Seashell
11. Breakfast
12. Healthcare
13. Stealth
14. Headache
15. Dearly
16. Teardrop
17. Leafy
18. Deaf
19. Eavesdrop
20. Instead
21. Realize
22. Seal
23. Leather
24. Squeak
25. Feastly
26. Grease
27. Beachfront
28. Conceal
29. Coalesce
30. Deadline
31. Breathe
32. Wreath
33. Fearless
34. Breakdown
35. Cleanse
36. Theatergoer
37. Unreal
38. Researcher
39. Teapot
40. Yearn
41. Feathery
42. Leash
43. Steamer
44. Offbeat
45. Appear
46. Bereave
47. Tease
48. Wreathe
49. Speakeasy
50. Revealing

Then I asked, “Are there 150 more?”

I can provide you with more words containing the letter combination “ea,” but listing 150 more may be quite extensive. Here are 25 additional words:
1. Disappear
2. Threesome
3. Headquarter
4. Creativity
5. Mislead
6. Pleasure
7. Streamline
8. Clearance
9. Unhealthy
10. Dreadful
11. Meatball
12. Forearm
13. Squeaky
14. Steadfast
15. Earlobe
16. Yearning
17. Rearview
18. Concealer
19. Treason
20. Feasible
21. Leatherette
22. Teardrop
23. Swear
24. Weathered
25. Forebear
If you need more words or have specific words in mind, please let me know, and I’ll be happy to provide them.

Then I wondered about the pronumciation. Some are short e, some are long. Some are “eh” and some are “e.” Some are surprises. Some I had written down.

E and A are vowels

E and A are letters that begin names of my children and grandchildren.
E and A have meaning to me.

I like English vowels: AEIOU. The beginning of pronunciation, long a says A; long e says E; long I says I; long o says O; long u says U. I learned that when I was 8. That began my love of language. I could do that. Then I learned the short sounds of each. I could read! By the time I was 12, I loved the English language more and diagramming words still is fun for me.

Words. Definitions. Origins. How did they get to be combined? We are on a journey to find out more.

This is not the same as large language models.

A large language model (LLM) is a deep learning algorithm that can perform a variety of natural language processing (NLP) tasks. Large language models use transformer models and are trained using massive datasets — hence, large. This enables them to recognize, translate, predict, or generate text or other content.

The LLM used here saved me time, increased my curiosity, and brought more ideas for researching words. Yet, did you notice 4 ea words that ChatGPT missed? Learn and lean. I found those on my own. And what about the most obvious ones? ear and hear. That’s what sound is all about.

Those were 3 of the first for me out of the 125 that ChatGPT found. AI is only so good. ChatGPT cannot match the human being. We humans will never be replaced in totality. Artificial is not as satifying as the real thing. The joy of “I found another one” still energizes me.