Dreams Come True

Hopes and wishes

Dreams Come True
Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

Do dreams ever come true? Yes, some do. Some don’t. Nick Vujicic did not give up. Everything is going to be ok. At any age, you may wish and hope that your future holds something good for you. Don’t lose hope.

But there are different kinds of hope. Realistic hope. Unrealistic expectations. For example, I did not try out for the NFL, the NBA, or even high school sports. That was realistic on my part. I cannot do everything. I am created and designed differently than football and basketball players, but I can play volleyball.

I am better at writing and editing. I am creatively designed. So was Nick Vujicic, born without arms and legs. Although he prayed for God to give him arms and legs, God has not done so in his 41 years of life. At age 10, he did not see, was not aware of God’s reasoning. He tried to take his life by suicide to drown himself in his bathtub.

Now he, paradoxically, gives hope to others around the world who are or have been abused or neglected. Even some who are also born with debilitating disabilities will look to Nick to gain hope and continue living. Everything is going to be ok.

You see, like the 9, 10, 11-year-olds, they are like, “Oh, I can’t wait to be a teenager.” Why? Because it is just going to be better.
They become a teenager, “Oh, I do not know what is going on! My friends, they are backstabbing me! No one understands me. I hate myself. I cannot wait to graduate from high school! Then everything is going to be better.” [Nick laughs.]
And you get there, and you are freaking out because now you gotta get to college. “If I could just get to college and everything is going to be okay.”
You get to college, and is everything okay? No, it sucks. And then you got the pressure to actually get a job. “Oh, God, I hope that actually what I have studied for that job actually exists by the time I am graduated. I did not even know what is going on right now.”
And you then finally get your job, and you look at your boss and you look at God, and you are like, “What? Him? He’s the devil’s nephew? I thought You loved me. I thought we were good.”
“Oh, no, no, no. As soon as I get married, then everything is going to be okay.” Oh, oh, I mean, do I need to convince anybody? Hello, listen to me. If you ain’t happy in Jesus, single…. Trust me! Those are the married people clapping. [Laughter]

Nick challenges the audience with humor and a reality check to recognize dreams really do come true!

Nick Vujicic: Dream Conference 2023
Nick Vujicic is encouraged at the Dream Conference in Arizona to see the growing Christian courage among young people…

How do you give hope to others? First, rise above your own disabled thinking that there is no hope. For example, “Make-a-Wish” was founded for those who need hope.

Each person has value. That includes you and me.

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