Destiny Decision Documentary
Your story matters. Your life matters. Erwin Lutzer conveys his personal life story with "destiny decisions" as markers along the journey to being pastor of Moody Bible Church in Chicago, Illinois.
Your memories matter.
Your story matters. Your life matters. Erwin Lutzer conveys his personal life story with "destiny decisions" as markers along the journey to being pastor of Moody Bible Church in Chicago, Illinois. Over the decades he reflects on the pattern of critical moments, like the providential parking space.
Imagine dominoes lined up with one affecting the next one. Your memories matter to others. They start to see those critical moments that determined their direction. Take notes as he documents decisions. Maybe your memories are triggered to write them down.
- from an early age in Canada on a farm;
- the experience of being in Dallas, Texas when President Kennedy was shot;
- choosing a life partner; and
- being chosen to lead a large church for decades.
Listening? Jot down ideas from your own life that you want to recall. Scribbling is ok. Brainstorm! Messy writing works for now as you gather thoughts that trigger memories that you want to preserve like his.
The Life Story of Pastor Erwin Lutzer
Those memories become sentences. Sentences become paragraphs. Turning points in your life help others to make decisions that matter.
Before this video of his life came up on my screen today (as I have no TV link, only YouTube via wifi as I eat breakfast), he spoke about heaven.
What will people recall about you? Will you see them again?
The hardest part is getting started. Let's do that together.