BEVS Bull’s-Eye Value Survey

Value assessment darts target values-action discrepancies

you matter
Image by owner created in Stencil

A dartboard is an image or tool to research your own life values or to help others find theirs. Track your progress in four areas. When I saw my name and a survey connected to it, I was intrigued and excited to try it.

The Bull‘s-Eye Values Survey (BEVS; Lundgren et al., 2012) is a tool that can be used for assessing values, values-action discrepancies, and barriers to value-based living. Both the subscales and total score of the BEVS have been found to measure an independent dimension of psychological functioning that is negatively correlated with depression, anxiety, and stress, and is positively related to psychological flexibility. Research findings imply that the BEVS is sensitive to treatment effects and is capable of differentiating between clients who receive values-based interventions and those who do not. Stability and internal consistency are good.

STEP 1: Write down the values you want

The process used for this survey is divided into four areas of value. What do you dream and hope for? What expectations do you have to fulfill them over your lifetime?

  1. Work/Education includes career goals and your contribution to others in your community.
  2. Leisure means how you like to spend free time.
  3. Relationships connect you with family and friends.
  4. Personal Growth/Health refers to your spiritual and physical lifestyle.

STEP 2: Evaluate the values you have

“Bull’s eye” is exactly how you want your life to be, a direct hit, where you are living your life in a way that is consistent with your value. Now, make an X on the dartboard in each area that best represents where you stand today. An X in the bull’s eye means that you are living completely in keeping with your value for that area of living. An X far from bull’s eye means that your life is way off the mark in terms of how you are living your life. Since there are four areas of valued living, you should mark four Xs on the dartboard.
Bull’s Eye Value Survey (BEVS) from Tobias Lundgren

STEP 3: Identify obstacles or barriers

After listing your values in these areas, then identify any obstacles that get in the way of living your values.

  1. Write down those obstacles.
  2. Rank each one on a scale of 1–7 where 1 is not a problem and 7 is a big barrier!

STEP 4: Plan actions that move you closer to the center bull’s eye

What daily behavior would cause you to reduce the distance between your current value on the dartboard towards your desired value? Take baby steps in that direction. If you want to calendar it, plan 90 days for a big goal, 30 days for monthly strategy, and 1-day-at-a-time for tactics to get there. I will…

  1. _____________________ to value my Work/Education.
  2. _____________________ to value my Leisure.
  3. _____________________ to value my Relationships.
  4. _____________________ to value my Personal Growth/Health.

By the end of the dart game, you will have greater clarity. On BEVS dartboard, your examination and reflection of your values enlightens your pathway. You see what might be preventing you from valuing yourself. I want to reach my goals as a writer because I value words.

Read more from Bev about faith, freedom, writing, and life lessons.

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