AI ChatGPT Moral Outrage

Tristan Harris testifies before the United States Congress to expose the exponential dangers of AI algorithms when people build no…

Photo by André Volkmann on Unsplash

Tristan Harris testifies before the United States Congress to expose the exponential dangers of AI algorithms when people build no boundaries

Oops! WWW. Who is responsibile? How did we get here? Tell me more. Tristan testifies before the US Congress. Truth tellers. Information gurus. Protector of citizens. Neural networks. Comic book characters. Spiderman and the web share interconnected words like the neuro pathways of the brain.

New neural networks may trick us with words that distort the original intent. Spiderman and Uncle Ben said positively, “with great power comes great responsibility.” Tristan Harris, CEO and founder of the Center for Humane Technology, indicates that artificial intelligence algorithms are being developed backwards to identify negatively “with great power comes no responsibility.”

Tristan Harris Congress Testimony: Understanding the Use of Persuasive Technology

Senator, the issue here is that Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act is all about Section 2. It has made it so that the platforms are not responsible for any content that is on them, which freed them up to do what we’ve created today. The problem is, if you ask, “Is YouTube a publisher?” Well, they’re not generating the content, they’re not paying journalists, they’re not doing that, but they are recommending things. I think that we need a new class between, you know, the New York Times is responsible if they say something that defames someone else that reaches a certain 100 million or so people. When YouTube recommends Flat Earth conspiracy theories hundreds of millions of times, and if you consider that 70 percent of YouTube’s traffic is driven by recommendations, meaning driven by what they are recommending when an algorithm is choosing to put in front of the eyeballs of a person, it’s, if you were to backwards derive a motto, it would be “with great power comes no responsibility.”

What is a neural pathway?

neural pathways
Image from Great Minds Clinic Blog
In brief, a neural pathway is a series of connected neurons that send signals from one part of the brain to another.
Neurons come in three main types: motor neurons that control muscles; sensory neurons that are stimulated by our senses; and inter-neurons that connect neurons together. These connected neurons process the information we receive. It is these that enable us to interact, as well as experience emotions and sensations. They create our memories and enable us to learn.
We already have a series of neural pathways, and we are creating new ones all the time. An example of an early neural pathway is that if a baby smiles, he or she is rewarded by a smile in return and possibly a cuddle. The same baby may work out that if he or she touches something sharp, it may hurt. Both are valuable learning experiences.
Neural pathways are essential; however not all of them are beneficial and can become negative habits.

it’s a digital Frankenstein that’s really hard to control

Tristan identifies “a pattern of this is a kind of pathway that tends to be highly engaging.” The people at risk are children with the dark side of social media.

He offers hope at the Center for Humane Technology with many resources to raise awareness to prevent disasters in the near future.

Align Technology with Humanity’s Best Interests
Our mission is to shift technology towards a more humane future that supports our well-being, democratic functioning, and shared information environment.

Spiderman was right because “with great power comes great responsibility.” Algorithms spawned by artificial intelligence needs boundaries to avoid self-destruction of human beings so that chaos does not reign with misinformation delivered by robotic generating predictive transformers (GPT).